Unit-1 JavaScript Review Project
Game Library
Dynamic Content:
- Use the provided arrays to dynamically populate the Game Type. Include the abbreviations as value attritubes.
- Use the provided array to dynamically create a set of radio buttons for Diffulty Rating.
- Use the provided array to dynamically create a set of checkboxes for Game Options.
- Dynamically load the Copyright year in the footer so that is always the current year.
Data Validation:
- Game Name - cannot be blank, max 50 characters
- Game Type - one must be selected
- Number of Players - must be numeric, 1+, max of 20, whole number
- Difficulty Rating - one must be selected
- Game Options: Some, none or all may be selected
- Game Options: "Fast Play" and "Long Game" cannot both be selected
Data Storage:
- Create an object called game for storing the game information. Use a class or object literal.
- The game object must allow for any/all selected content.
- Create an object called gameLibrary. It will store an array of game objects.
Form Processing:
- When the form is submitted by the "Add Game to Library" AND all fields pass validations gather the form data.
- Load the game data into a game object
- Display the game object in the console
- Add the game object to the gameLibrary
- Display the gameLibrary in the console
- "New Game" button should clear the form entries
- "Start Over" button should clear the form, the display and the data.
Display Game Library:
- When the "Display Game Library" button is clicked display each game in the game library in the Game Library Area.
- Design your own layout and styling for to display the games.